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Creating a Beneficial Epidemic at TEDxABQ

TED has a simple motto that says it all: Ideas worth spreading. Their entire model—and ours—is centered around the power of ideas to capture the minds of the audience, spread from person to person, and change the perspective, if not also the behavior, of those who have been exposed. Ideas spread through human contact, can explode exponentially to change our world forever, or can lay in wait for years—even decades—until the conditions are right. Does that not remind you of every zombie apocalypse movie you’ve ever seen?Important Dates 6_22_16

At TEDxABQ 2016, we will focus on the potential in every idea to spread and affect epidemics of change. Our goal is to inspire you to intentionally engage in being a contagious host, sharing the ideas you find worth spreading to impact your world. We invite you on September 17th to THINK VIRAL and become patient zero in the next beneficial epidemic to sweep New Mexico.

Ideas are contagious. Get infected.