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TEDxABQ is around the corner, and with just nine days until the main event, we thought you might be wondering what to expect the day of. Here are ten things you can count on September 17th!

1. Connect with Fellow Attendees

Whether in person or on a digital platform, meeting new and interesting people is one of the most exciting parts of a TEDxABQ event! For the first time, we are piloting the TEDConnect App at TEDxABQ which will allow you to:

  • Connect and communicate with other attendees
  • Access the event schedule
  • View speaker bios

To get started with TEDConnect, please follow steps before the day to the event:

  • To log into TEDConnect, you need a account. To sign up for a new account:
    • Visit
    • Click “Sign up” on the top right
    • Create a new account (itโ€™s free!)
  • Download the TEDConnect app (available on iOS and Android)
  • Sign into TEDConnect and update your profile
    • If your TED profile email address is different than the one used to register for your event, let us know and we can update the email tied to your registration.

We hope to see you on TEDConnect when it goes live later this week!

2. Free Parking

The Albuquerque Convention Center is offering free parking to the first 300 vehicles that arrive in the parking garage on the east side of the center for TEDxABQ. The free spots will be on a first come, first served basis. The parking garage can be accessed off of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. just west of Broadway Blvd. (stay in the left lane as you head west). Make sure to arrive early!

3. Registration/Swag

Registration begins promptly at 10 am. This year, attendees will have the option of one of six original products created exclusively for TEDxABQ by local artists.

  • High quality prints of We Are This City artwork printed by A Good Sign
  • Handmade half pint cups from Hanselmann Pottery
  • Luxurious lotion from Cedar Light New Mexico
  • Live screen printed t-shirts by 111 Media Collective
  • Handcrafted cutting boards from Foxy Girl Designs
  • Bottle openers from metal artist Eric Thelander

There is a limited number of each item, so make sure to arrive at 10 am for first pick of your swag!

4. Audience Engagement

Join us on Civic Plaza from 10am-1pm, to take part in numerous interactive experiences developed and delivered by thought leaders and doers from our community. This new, immersive structure enables you to engage in meaningful conversations, build connections, and walk away with innovative ideas worth spreading.

5. Food Trucks

In addition to these experiences, local food trucks will be stationed around Civic Plaza from 10am-1:30 pm to serve you lunch. In years past, lunch has been included in the price of admission; thatโ€™s not the case this year, but this change allowed us to keep ticket prices low and offers you the flexibility to choose from a variety of food trucks on your own time and according to your craving in the moment. Donโ€™t forget to bring some extra cash with you to enjoy everything our local food vendors have to offer.

6. Zero Waste

Last year, in partnership with Knowaste, we successfully diverted 93% of the waste created by our 2,000 attendees out of the landfill. We are excited to partner with Knowaste again this year, as well as Sacred Power, who will be powering our Civic Plaza activities with renewable energy. In addition, we are recycling lanyards from past events, and ask all attendees to bring their own reusable water bottles.

7. The Speakers

On the main stage this year you can expect talks from 20 inspired individuals, ranging in topics from handwriting to leadership, vaccines to the creative economy, bioremediation to brain tsunamis (and everything in between).

8. Entertainment

Also on the main stage – a custom art installation from Max Baptiste and We Are This City, former poet laureate Hakim Bellamy will kick off the afternoon, local comedienne Lauren Poole emceeing, with live music from REIGHNBEAU and a performance from Dancing Earth as well.

9. The After Party

Ibiza at Hotel Andaluz will provide the ultimate setting to decompress and share thoughts after an invigorating day of fascinating ideas, engaging experiences and awe-inspiring TEDx activities. DJ Leftovers will be live on the patio to spin soulful tunes in an all vinyl set and keep the energy flowing. Starting at 6:30pm, this after party is a must for all TEDsters.

10. The After After Party

Danger Carnival, taking place at Tractor Brewing – Wells Park, is inspired by circus freak shows, harvest festivals, and Vaudeville performances. This fun-filled, dangerous-in-a-good-way event for adults will feature live performances, interactive art installations, music, games, and carnival booths from some of Albuquerqueโ€™s most creative individuals including Hand Eye Collective, GRAFT, ABQ Circus Arts, Reyes Padilla, and more. Experience stilters, aerialists, acro-yogis, face-painting, a costume contest and more from 7 pm – midnight.

Blog written by Danielle Adams