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The days are getting shorter, the nights cooler, and the smell of roasting green chile permeates the air. Fall is coming. How will you celebrate the changing of seasons? A Labor Day weekend barbecue, a parade, back-to-school sales? For me, it’s the smell of roasting green chile. perhaps a day of ground-breaking ideas at TEDxABQ’s main event?

For many people, Labor Day signifies the end of summer. But this holiday is more than just a work-free weekend—it celebrates the North American labor movement and the fight for workers’ rights. It’s the perfect time of year for TEDxABQ to showcase the innovative ways in which workers and artists are contributing to New Mexico’s economy and future.

People like 2014’s Lanny Tonning and Linda Thorne, who discovered the potential for Albuquerque to be a city of cyclists and pedestrians after opening a bike-in coffee shop on their farm.

 Lanny Tonning & Linda Thorne’s TED talk

People like Vince Kadlubek, CEO of Meow Wolf, who shared with us in 2015 his vision for the art industry’s future in which art has been democratized and socio-economic class does not mean a worker cannot be an artist.

 Vince Kadlubek’s TED talk

People like Ann Rhoades, who in 2016 gave us 25 years of insight into building organizations that prioritize fun in the work environment and enable employees to love what they do.

 Ann Rhoades’s TED talk

This year, we welcome Dr. Jannell MacAulay, who specializes in performance under stress and uses her military experience to teach leaders how to balance their careers with their mental and physical health.

Come celebrate belated Labor Day Weekend with us on September 9th at the Kiva Auditorium. Tickets are $50 for general admission, $25 for students and teachers.

Blog written by: Liam Murray