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TEDxABQ Friends,

We’ve missed you!!!

2018 was a challenging year and we’ve spent the beginning part of 2019 reorganizing, getting focused on the foundations of what makes TEDxABQ great, and laying down the necessary groundwork to continue onward. We want to bring things back to the main goals we had when we started: To bring the spotlight to the AMAZING ideas here in our own COMMUNITY that are worth spreading.

Just some brief notes to get everyone up to date. Stay tuned for more frequent updates on all of our social media!

Upcoming Dates:
We will be having a re-launch event on September 15th at Tractor Brewing – Wells Park. TEDxABQ is partnering with Immastar Productions – hence the “Xtra” special name – look forward to a few things out of the norm, and more of the normal goodness just the same. It’s about shared capacity, power, and enthusiasm this go round – let’s have some fun!! Hopefully, you are able to stop by and enjoy! See some familiar faces and find out how to get involved with TEDxABQ.

ALSO… We have finalized the date and venue for our Women’s event this year. We will be having it December 6th at the South Broadway Cultural Center. We’ll be sending out a call for Speakers, Performers, and more Volunteers starting on September 9th.

Community Engagement:
We will also continue to be having an informal meetup the last Sunday of each month, in which community members and some of the TEDxABQ team watch some past TED videos, share some food and have some conversations. The location is posted on if you search for TEDx.

We will be also be launching a monthly podcast that will include past speakers, team members and other people in the ABQ as well as TEDx community.

If you have any ideas, comments, want to get more involved, ANYTHING!!!, feel free to reach out to us on social, or email us at

See you soon!!!

-The TEDxABQ Team-