by Beth Haley | Jan 15, 2018 | News, Uncategorized
Dear TEDxABQ Community, I hope that your 2018 is off to a great start! At TEDxABQ, we are excitedly looking forward to a great year—and one of change. My past 5 years with TEDxABQ have been incredibly formative, allowing me to explore concepts and worlds I never would...
by Beth Haley | Aug 31, 2017 | Main Event, News
The days are getting shorter, the nights cooler, and the smell of roasting green chile permeates the air. Fall is coming. How will you celebrate the changing of seasons? A Labor Day weekend barbecue, a parade, back-to-school sales? For me, it’s the smell of roasting...
by Beth Haley | Aug 21, 2017 | Main Event, News, Uncategorized
The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was certified in 1920, granting women the right to vote. Nearly one hundred years later, women are still fighting for full equality, as marked by the observance of Women’s Equality Day, August 26. TEDxABQ honors Women’s Equality...
by Beth Haley | Aug 21, 2017 | Main Event, News, Uncategorized
Being a student is challenging. You’re juggling classes, homework, your job, your bank balance, your social life, sleep, and your mental health. Or, you’re a teacher, in which case classes and homework also happen to be your job. But just because you’re in school...
by Beth Haley | Aug 15, 2017 | Main Event, News
TEDxABQ is more than just a day for people to stand on a red carpet dot and talk about the topics that motivate them. It’s an opportunity to ignite friendly discussion about new ideas and solutions for a better future, for activists, workers, thinkers, and those who...